US Human Rights Network Blog

US Human Rights Network Blog



USHRN denounces Donald Trump’s attacks on Representative Ilhan Omar

Apr 20, 2019

PHOENIX — Following Donald Trump’s tweet of a video juxtaposing images of Congressmember Ilhan Omar with footage of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks, the US Human Rights Network issued the following statement:

The US Human Rights Network disavows Donald Trump’s increasingly dangerous rhetoric and racist incitement against Minnesota freshman Congressmember Ilhan Omar. Following Trump’s recent tweet of a video juxtaposing Omar’s image with footage of the 9/11 attacks, Congressmember Omar has received an increase in death threats, many of which refer directly to the video Trump tweeted.

The US Human Rights Network stands in solidarity with Rep. Omar, who became the first Somali-American and the first of two Muslim-American women elected to Congress in US history. We denounce the dehumanizing, Islamophobic rhetoric Trump continues to employ against Rep. Omar, which not only puts Rep. Omar’s life in danger, but also could incite violence against people of color and Muslim-Americans across the country.

Much of Donald Trump's dehumanizing rhetoric against political opponents, from the beginning of his Presidential campaign until now has been characterized by bigotry, racism, and misogyny. It is the position of the Network that Trump’s recent attacks against Rep. Omar violate the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Article 4, which states: “[States] Shall not permit public authorities or public institutions, national or local, to promote or incite racial discrimination.”


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