Join the USHRN


You or your organization can be a part of a growing movement to recognize, realize and defend human rights in the United States.

Join the US Human Rights Network today as an Individual or an Organizational member.

Network members believe that the human rights framework is an important tool that will enable grassroots communities and movements to engage in principled struggle to attain fundamental social change, and all members must agree to adhere to our core principles. 

Connect with others who share your vision and values and become a member or renew your membership today!


Membership Benefits:

  • Access to an extensive collection of human rights resources such as booklets, toolkits, trainings, reports, and a national network of organizations and individuals all across the country and throughout the world who are working to build a human rights culture in the U.S.;
  • Access to the United Nations and other international mechanisms applied to hold the U.S. government accountable to its human rights obligations;
  • Reduced registration fees for Network conferences and convenings; and,
  • Eligibility for Network support to participate in human rights delegations, events and trainings.

Membership Requirements:

  • Annual member dues contribution*
  • Commitment to shared work
  • Commitment to core principles
  • New member orientation session
    *Membership due waivers are available for organizations and individuals. To apply for a membership fee waiver click here.


Annual membership dues for individuals are minimum $25

 Minimum annual membership contributions for organizations are based on an organization’s annual budget:

  • Under $50,000 annual budget  -  $50.00
  • $50,001– $250,000 annual budget - $200.00
  • $250,001 – $500,000 annual budget -  $500.00
  • $500,001-$1,000,000 annual budget  - $1,500.00
  • $1,000,001-2,500,000 annual budget - $1,000.00
  • Over $2.5 million annual budget  - $5,000.00


Membership Contributions go a long way to support our Network and help us to provide resources for our members.